Baby Bash Version History
by Russell Haines
Current Version of Baby Bash is 1.0
Fat Mac version of Baby Bash is in an Aladdin Stuffit Archive
You may want to download some extra sounds for your copy of Baby Bash.
You can also download a complete set of words that I recorded for Baby Bash.
Coming in version 1.1 of Baby Bash
Disable menu items for options with no corresponding folders/files.
Play words based on file name only, allowing for different extensions.
Play "ABC" song when only letters and notes are selected.
Get Windows version working the same as Mac version.
Web/smartphone version of Baby Bash is here.
Windows 32 bit version (executable only) of Baby Bash is in a Zip File.
New in version 1.0 of Baby Bash
Handles invisible/invalid sound and picture files much better.
Added Diamond, Oval, Rectangle, Heart, Crescent, and Hexagon shapes.
Plays numbers or letters in order if only that option is selected.
Mouse click is once again a bash.
New in version 0.9 of Baby Bash
Attempts to create missing folders.
Changed to full screen rather than a window.
Added a star shape.
Added an allow quit option to the options menu to avoid accidental quit or shutdown.
Fixed a problem where the Windows and Carbon versions would crash on quitting.
New in version 0.8 of Baby Bash
Implemented an error log as babybasherrors.txt.
Changed mouse function so that only mouse overs (not clicks) count as bashes.
Changed letters option so that a random capital letter is played with each bash.
Added numbers option to show a random number from 1-20 is played with each bash.
New in version 0.7 of Baby Bash
Added support for playing words so the computer can say what the baby sees.
Added mouse functions so when the mouse clicks or when the cursor moves over the shape/picture it also counts as a bash.
New in version 0.6 of Baby Bash
Notes play only for standard keyboard keys (not for function keys, space bar, arrows, etc.).
Saves window size and menu options in a preferences file upon quitting.
Pictures open and sounds play on different threads, improving synchronization on slower machines.
Fixed a bug where it attempted to show a non-existent picture.
Now checks for existence of Sounds or Pictures folder before attempting to open.
Send comments and requests for information about Baby Bash to Russell Haines
Baby Bash is Listed at:
Mac Game Files
A French Site
Another French Site